News & Social Events

Upcoming events

Below outlines club news, social events, upcoming Sunday competitions and other exciting information

Quiz Night
Quiz Night
Saturday 15, March, 2025 7:30 for 8pm start
£2 Per person
Max 6 per team

Win Cash Prizes!

Membership Fees Payment Evening / Race Night Tickets
Membership Fees Payment Evening / Race Night Tickets
Tuesday 18, March, 2025 7pm - 9pm
Hi Everyone,

It's that time of year when your membership fees are due for 2025.


This year is slightly different in that we are charging an extra £10* if you wish to enter any of the main tie club competitions.

These competitions are (where applicable) :-

Seniors Gents or Ladies Championship
Seniors Gents or Ladies Pairs
Seniors Brunton Trophy
Gents or Ladies Championship
Gents or Ladies Pairs
Mixed Pairs
Mixed Handicap
Ladies Two Bowl
Gents Two Bowl
Mixed Presidents Cup
Junior Championship
U25 Championship

You can enter as many competitions as you wish if you have paid the additional £10 fee.

* No additional fee for Junior memberships. This will remain @ £5 and are eligible for entering the Junior competitions.

We are considering, after a recent committee meeting, additional competitions to enable the Gents and Ladies to progress within the club.

These are currently under review and evaluation by our Match Secretary’s. They will be announced at the Fees nights where the relevant

competitions will be on the notice boards for your entries.
The charges for this year are as follows:-

Full Adult Membership{FM) - £130 with entry to competitions, £120 without entry to competitions

Full Senior Membership{SM) - £130 with entry to competitions, £120 without entry to competitions

Concessions Membership(CM) £70 with entry to competitions, £60 without entry to competitions

Associate Membership(AM) - £30

Junior Membership (JM) - £5

We would prefer if you could pay by Bank Transfer to :-

Banton Mains Bowling Club
Sort Code - 80-08-80
Account - 00432365

Please add a reference to your payment with your membership type and name. i.e FM-Stuart Fletcher, CM-Stuart Fletcher, AM-Stuart Fletcher

We will also be holding two evenings for those who wish to pay cash, on the 11th and 18th March from 7-9pm. With an additional day on the
30th March from 1.30-3.00pm.

All Fees must be paid by the end of March or your membership will lapse so please pay before then.

We would like to thank you for your continued membership and support of the club,

Kind Regards

Stuart Fletcher
Bankton Mains Bowler Calum Black in WLBA indoor Semi-Finals
Bankton Mains Bowler Calum Black in WLBA indoor Semi-Finals
Friday 28, March, 2025 18:30
One our bowlers, Calum Black, has been playing brilliantly at the indoor bowls and has reached the semi-finals of the Gents Championship.

It would be great to get as many of our members as possible down there to support him.

The tie is being played at West Lothian Bowling Association in Howden on the 28th March , tie starting at 6.30pm and Calum is playing against Tom Mann.

We wish Calum all the best for the tie.
Membership Fees Payment Afternoon / Race Night Tickets
Membership Fees Payment Afternoon / Race Night Tickets
Saturday 29, March, 2025 1:30pm - 3pm
Hi Everyone,

It's that time of year when your membership fees are due for 2025.


This year is slightly different in that we are charging an extra £10* if you wish to enter any of the main tie club competitions.

These competitions are (where applicable) :-

Seniors Gents or Ladies Championship
Seniors Gents or Ladies Pairs
Seniors Brunton Trophy
Gents or Ladies Championship
Gents or Ladies Pairs
Mixed Pairs
Mixed Handicap
Ladies Two Bowl
Gents Two Bowl
Mixed Presidents Cup
Junior Championship
U25 Championship

You can enter as many competitions as you wish if you have paid the additional £10 fee.

* No additional fee for Junior memberships. This will remain @ £5 and are eligible for entering the Junior competitions.

We are considering, after a recent committee meeting, additional competitions to enable the Gents and Ladies to progress within the club.

These are currently under review and evaluation by our Match Secretary’s. They will be announced at the Fees nights where the relevant

competitions will be on the notice boards for your entries.
The charges for this year are as follows:-

Full Adult Membership{FM) - £130 with entry to competitions, £120 without entry to competitions

Full Senior Membership{SM) - £130 with entry to competitions, £120 without entry to competitions

Concessions Membership(CM) £70 with entry to competitions, £60 without entry to competitions

Associate Membership(AM) - £30

Junior Membership (JM) - £5

We would prefer if you could pay by Bank Transfer to :-

Banton Mains Bowling Club
Sort Code - 80-08-80
Account - 00432365

Please add a reference to your payment with your membership type and name. i.e FM-Stuart Fletcher, CM-Stuart Fletcher, AM-Stuart Fletcher

We will also be holding two evenings for those who wish to pay cash, on the 11th and 18th March from 7-9pm. With an additional day on the
30th March from 1.30-3.00pm.

All Fees must be paid by the end of March or your membership will lapse so please pay before then.

We would like to thank you for your continued membership and support of the club,

Kind Regards

Stuart Fletcher
Club Shirt Orders
Club Shirt Orders
Monday 31, March, 2025 - Display's until - Posted 06/03/2025
Dear Members,

Club shirts are being ordered at the end of next week. They are £27.00 each.

It is short notice so we need to order asap as it takes about 6 weeks to complete.

As the company requires an order of 25 or more , this will be the only order going in this season, so if you want/need one please order now.

We have samples of a ladies size 14 and a Gents XL, if you would like to try for size or judge what size you might need, they will be available on 11th March (Fees Night). Or Madge will be at the club on Friday night 7th, and Sunday afternoon 9th.

We request you make payment when you order please.
Those of you who have already ordered, please make payment by 11th March by Bank transfer ref: your name and CS, or at the club on the 11th March over the bar.

The club is looking at a different supplier for future orders.

Any questions please speak to Madge.

Kind Regards

Stuart Fletcher
Saturday 12, April, 2025 7.30pm for 8pm start
Doors and Bar opens 7.30pm. Quiz starts 8pm.
Race Night Opening Day Evening
Race Night Opening Day Evening
Saturday 19, April, 2025 Doors 7pm Races start 8pm
Get your tickets! HOT HOT HOT!
Tickets £4 on sale during club fee nights in March at BMBC!
Horses £4 you could win a bottle!
Football card £1

Giddy up, they’ll sell fast!
RINK66 Family Pairs
RINK66 Family Pairs
Sunday 6, July, 2025 TBC

Speak to Adam G or Kenny B for more info!

Details Below:


Entries are now being taken for the Rink66 UK Family Pairs via their website using the link below.


Remember this year you can enter multiple venues if you like.

Each venue will take 16 entries apart from Worthing Pavilion and they can accept up to 32 due to having two greens so be fast so you are not to be left out.

We are also waiting on a date from Gosforth in Northumberland and Penylan in Wales. These will be added soon.

If you qualify, we will refund any remaining entry fees that are applicable.

We have added £1000 to the Prize Pot this year, so there is £4000 up for grabs, plus free team wear courtesy of our partners Rink66.

Please support where you can.
