Club Officials

Below outlines Bankton Mains Bowling Club officials

Presidents past and present
Below outlines the history of presidents at BMBC.

2025M Wightman
2024M Wightman
2023J Ross
2022J Ross
2021A Lynch
2020A Lynch
2019I Dickie
2018I Dickie
2017A Lynch
2016A Lynch
2015D Robinson
2014D Robinson
2013M Moore
2012M Moore
2011C Campbell
2010L Adam
2009R Brunton
2008A Weir
2007G Morier
2006F Greig
2005P Murray
2004D Robinson
2003D Robinson
2002W Mitchell
2001W Mitchell
2000A Weir
1999G Porter
1998D Dall
1997D Dall
1996R Batchelor
1995R Batchelor
1994D Dall
1993D Dall
1992M Wilson
1991M Wilson
Current Officials
Below outlines the current club officials.

PresidentM Wightman
Vice PresidentJ Blake
SecretaryM Anderson
 S Fletcher
TreasurerP McKee
CommitteeJ Gilliland
 A Gilliland
 L Eggeling
 K Black
 T Stanton
 F Elliot
 M McKay
 I Kilgallon
Mens Match SecretaryA Gilliland
Womens Match SecretaryL Eggeling
Seniors Mens Match SecretaryD Dunlop
Bar ConvenorM McKay
Green RangerJ Gilliland
Entertainments ConvenorT Stanton
Sunday Events ConvenorA Gilliland
Hats ConvenorA McInnes
Commercial ManagerK Stewart